Early Bird Benefits

5 Benefits of Waking up Early

  1. Plays a role in sustaining a healthier diet.
When we wake up late we tend to skip the most important meal of the day, breakfast. With waking up early we can eat breakfast which will then carry us to make healthier eating choices throughout the day.

    2. Aids us in becoming more productive.

Rising early means more hours to work, fewer distractions, and because of a good night's sleep your brain is refreshed and ready to go.

    3. Time to exercise.

For cross country I have practice at 5:30 am and when I finish my workout I feel energized and ready to take on the day.

    4. Repairs our skin.

While we sleep "our bodies boost blood flow to our skin giving us a glowing complexion when we wake up" (Jacob). When we excessively get less than 8 hours of sleep we develop sleep deprivation. "Sleep deprivation causes a decrease in blood flow to the skin surrounding your face. Skin becomes dull, and you don't get those rosy cheeks anymore" (Breus).

    5. More time to unwind and relax.

By rising early you are able to finish work earlier resulting in more downtime for yourself. During this time you can spend more time with family and friends or simply participating in activities that will make you better. An example is taking up meditation or reading.


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